Track panels can be located on the left (left figure below) or top border (right figure below) of the plate. You can change the panel position on the plate by changing Track Panel Style from Left to Top or vice-versa in the Track panel style menu (Tools>Settings>Plate display>Track panel style). (See Settings.) If you hold the mouse arrow over the track panel, the names of the data tracks—both visible and hidden—will be displayed.

Track Panel - Horizontal View

Track Panel - Vertical View

You can make a data track visible by clicking on a black button in the panel track to make it amber or hide a visible track by clicking on an amber button to make it black. This allows you to customize which data tracks are displayed on any plate. The data type is also displayed when the mouse pointer moves over a data track. You can right click on the mouse to either hide individual tracks (Hide this Track) or select/deselect tracks using the Show/Hide Tracks selection, which provides a tabular listing of all tracks available. A variety of options — most self-explanatory — can be accessed in the right-click menu obtained by right clicking on a data track.