List Marker Qualifiers
The Solr indexing can be customized to include or exclude only selected qualifiers. Listing all qualifiers stored in the database may help you with your decision on which qualifiers to include or exclude. To list marker qualifiers, run:
PS> list marker_qualifier
[0] AA_# 278,389
[1] AF_ESP 151,238
[2] AF_EXAC 253,131
[3] AF_TGP 177,005
[4] ALLELEID 784,691
[5] BB_# 278,389
[6] CLNDISDB 784,102
[8] CLNDN 784,102
[9] CLNDNINCL 1,291
[10] CLNHGVS 784,691
[11] CLNREVSTAT 784,691
[12] CLNSIG 784,102
[13] CLNSIGCONF 45,924
[14] CLNSIGINCL 1,291
[15] CLNVC 784,691
[16] CLNVCSO 784,691
[17] CLNVI 212,209
[18] Category 278,389
[46] mismatches 5,045
[47] reference_peptide 55,234
[48] unknowns 5,045
[49] variant_peptide 55,234
Type the line [number] to find map sets that use the selected qualifier (ENTER to skip):
If you are interested in listing map sets where a particular qualifier is used, type the corresponding line number:
Type the line [number] to find map sets that use the selected qualifier (ENTER to skip): 18
Marker qualifier Category:
21 IWGSCv1.0 574,541 CRBT
24 CS_Renan_Genetic 83,721 CRBT
25 RH_MAPS 8,509 CRBT
207 IWGSCv2.1 384,794 CRBT
The example values shown on the right represent the shortest possible values. To list all unique qualifier values use the MAP_SET_ID with the command:
PS> list marker_qualifier 24
Marker qualifiers with example values for map set:/Triticum aestivum/ChineseSpring x Renan
[0] AA_# 83,721 0
[1] BB_# 83,721 0
[2] Category 83,721 CRBT
[3] Fraction 78,807 Low_copy_sequence
[4] HET_# 83,721 0
[5] NA_# 83,721 0
[6] OTV 83,721 0
[7] PIC 83,721 0
[8] ProbeSetId 83,721 AX-89309359
[9] alleles 83,450 A/C
Type the line [number] to print all values for selected qualifier (ENTER to skip): 2
Marker qualifier Category:
Printing first distinct 20 values:
total:83,721 values (distinct:6)
Now you should have more information that will help you decide whether a qualifier is worth to be indexed for search or not.