Setting Up PersephoneShell
The links below provide the instruction for setting up PersephoneShell. Note that the provided Docker image will have everything pre-installed. Still, please read the sections about the configuration file and the Solr index. The configuration file contains a couple of settings that you might want to modify, such as the location of the data root folder (DataDir). The section about the Solr contains the information about optimizing the search index by including only relevant information.
- Installation. Follow the steps in this section to install PersephoneShell on a Windows, Mac OS, or Linux computer.
- Configuration File. This section documents how to edit PersephoneShell's configuration file.
- Connection String. This section documents the managed driver for the Oracle or MySQL-compatible database.
- Solr search index. Configure the fast search engine.
You can use MySQL (MariaDb is recommended) instead of Oracle. See the MySQL Documentation page for documentation on setting up MySQL servers.