PS> analyze fasta

     43,270,923  Chr1
     35,937,250  Chr2
     36,413,819  Chr3
     35,502,694  Chr4
     29,958,434  Chr5
     31,248,787  Chr6
     29,697,621  Chr7
     28,443,022  Chr8
     23,012,720  Chr9
     23,207,287  Chr10
     29,021,106  Chr11
     27,531,856  Chr12
        633,585  ChrUn
        592,136  ChrSy

Total 14 records. 374,471,240 nt

Headers are simple, so there is no need to parse them. The map names and accessions will be an exact copy of the entire FASTA header.

Chromosomes will be distinguished by the map length:


Here is the INI file:

; RunDescription: if specified, a custom description will be used,
;                  otherwise, "Added sequences for {MapSet Accession No.} from {Sources}." will be used.
RunDescription="Added sequences for MSU_osa1r7 from"

; 1. Using existing MapSet
; If either MapSetId or MapSetPath is specified, it adds sequences to the existing MapSet.
; otherwise, a new MapSet should be specified below.
; MapSetId: id of an existing map set
; MapSetPath: path of an existing map set.
;MapSetPath="Oryza sativa/MSU_osa1r7"
; 2. Adding new MapSet
; Organism ID (required): organism ID should exist.
; Display name (required): a name shown in MapSetTree. Usually a assembly build name.
; Description: by default, organism name + display name.
Description="Oryza sativa MSU_osa1r7 from"
; AccessionNo (required): accession of the genome build. See
; Source ID (required): database or institution that the MapSet/sequence originate. One word, no spaces.

; 1. Adding new MapSetTree node to a parent node
; Parent node ID: if specified, the MapSet with the new sequences will be placed under this parent node as a child.
; 2. Adding new MapSetTree node under a new root node
; Root node name: usually an organism name. Ignored if the root name already exists. A longer path consisting of more than one node can be specified here. The nodes will be created starting with the root node.
;RootNode="Plants/Glycine max"
RootNodeName="Oryza sativa"
; Root node order number: order of the root node in the MapSetTree. By default, 0.
; OrderNo: placement of map set under its parent node in the map set tree. If not specified, OrderNo will be automatically incremented for each new map set. 
; If you want to order all map sets under a parent node alphabetically, set OrderNo to a fixed value. All map sets will get the same value and will be sorted alphabetically by name.

; Sources (required): FASTA file(s) of genomic DNA sequence located locally or remotely accessible via URL.
; Commit frequency: commits after reading this many nucleotides. Large numbers requre larger rollback segment, smaller numbers result in higher frequency of transactions

; ExcludedHeadersRegEx: exclude sequences that match this regular expression
; IncludeHeadersRegEx: include only sequences that match this regular expression. Note, ExcludedHeadersRegEx, if specified, is applied first

; FASTA header starts with '>' and provides map information delimited by delimiters follows (Delimiter=VerticalBar): 
; >{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}
; Delimiter: specify one among Colon(:), Comma(,), Period(.), Hyphen(-), SemiColon(;), Slash(/), Tab(\t), Space( ) and VerticalBar(|)

; Map name index. Tells which part between the delimiters corresponds to map name. 0-based. Either MapNameIndex or MapNameRegEx is required. 
; If both are used, the regex will be applied to the selected field based on MapNameIndex
; If the part between delimiters is too long to be stored as the map name, it can be parsed and the map name can be extracted by using this regular expression
;MapNameRegEx=".*chromosome (..).*"
; ReplaceSpacesWith: Provide symbols that will be used to replace spaces in the map name. Some third-party tools are confused if the map name contains a space.
; Map accession index. Tells which part between delimiters corresponds to map accession. 0-based. If delimiter is not used, MapAccessionIndex is ignored, 
; the entire FASTA header is saved as the map accession.
; If the part between delimiters is too long to be stored as the map accession, it can be parsed and the map accession can be extracted by using this regular expression
;MapAccessionRegEx=".*chromosome (..).*"
; Map description index
; MapDescriptionRegEx: regular expression to extract the map description from FASTA header or, if MapDescriptionIndex is provided,
; from the extracted field at that index
; Some sequences can be called chromosomes, some as scaffolds. Usually, the number of chromosomes is small and allows to show all of them as a representation of a genome
; ChromosomeCriteriaRegEx - if the fasta header matches the RegEx criteria, the entry will be called a chromosome
; ChromosomeCriteriaLength - a formula to separate chromosomes from the rest of the sequences. It can be an alternative
; to ChoromosomeCriteriaRegEx
; For example, ChromosomeCriteriaLength=">5000000" will store sequences longer than 5,000,000 bp as chromosomes
; In case the sequence passes the criteria to be called a chromosome, the chromosome name will be read from the field with this index:
; ChromosomeNameRegEx - a regular expression applied to the field with the given index to extract the chromosome name
;ChromosomeNameRegEx="chromosome (.{2,3}),"
; Expected length index: if specified, the expected length of each sequence will be compared to the actual sequence length.
; MapNameFilterRegEx: Regular expression filter based on map name: include only sequences whose map name matches the given pattern. 
; if not specified, all the sequences in the source will be included.
; Example below would load only sequences with name that start with 'Chr.'
; Length filter: used to include only sequences whose length satisfies the criteria. Use '>' or '<' to load sequences longer/shorter than the given number (e.g,"<1000000")
;                if not specified, all the sequences in the source will be included.
; Sequences can be stored in the database (Oracle) or in the file system (MySql-compatible). 
; In case of the file system, please make sure that the storage location is visible from the machine where the loading process is running.
; The path to this location will be also used by the API-server (Cerberus) or, in case of direct database connection, by the main application,
; running on the user's machine.
; When the API-server is used, the storage location should be accessible to the server. The machines used for loading and for Cerberus can be different. In such case,
; use path remapping, specified in PersephoneShell's configuration file (see StorageMapping entry).
; StorageId: If present, specifies storage to add sequences to. Otherwise, default storage will be used. Use 'add storage' command to specify alternative storage locations;

; List map names and their corresponding translation codes. Default code is 1

; this section is about creating GC low res data for sequence
; what percentage must 'N' take for a region to be considered poly-N, in range[1-99]. Default is 25
; Histogram step (size of a 'cell'), in range [1-127], the lesser the value the more data will take space but the more precise it will be. Default is 100