Maps, based on genomic sequences, are loaded in a form of a "physical" (sequence-based) map set. The INI control file should specify the location of the sequence files, the name and other attributes of a map set, its placement in the map set tree, parameters of parsing FASTA definition lines to extract map name, accession, etc. The source FASTA files may contain a mixture of chromosomes and scaffolds. The INI file can specify criteria on how to separate chromosomes from the rest of the sequences.

Creating a map set

Each loading process has a ProcessRun record that captures the logistics of operation: the time stamp, the operator's user name, the type of data loaded, etc. If you omit RunDescription, it will be generated using AccessionNo and Sources. Please read the comments in the sample control files, they are an essential part of the documentation. The sample files for loading sequences are stored in ./Samples/Sequence sub-folder.

; RunDescription: if specified, a custom description will be used,
;                 otherwise, "Added sequences for {MapSet Accession No.} from {Sources}." will be used.
RunDescription="Load sequences for rice IR64"

Normally, the sequence maps are added to a new map set for which we should provide the name, accession and an organism (please note, the corresponding Organism record should already exist in the database). 

; 1. Using existing MapSet
; If either MapSetId or MapSetPath is specified, it adds sequences to the existing MapSet.
; otherwise, a new MapSet should be specified below.
; MapSetId: id of an existing map set
; MapSetPath: path of an existing map set.
;MapSetPath="Glycine max/Wm82.a2.v1"
; 2. Adding new MapSet
; Organism ID (required): organism ID should exist.
; Display name (required): a name shown in MapSetTree. Usually a assembly build name.
DisplayName="Rice IR64"
; Description: by default, organism name + display name. Note that the internal quotation marks should be escaped with back slash '\'
Description="<i>Oryza sativa</i> from NCBI.
IR64 (IRRI) 
Submitter: University of Arizona.<b>Twelve Platinum-Standard Reference Genomes Sequences (PSRefSeq) that complete the full range of genetic diversity of Asian rice.</b> 
NCBI Accession: <a href=\"\">GCA_009914875.1</a>"

; AccessionNo (required): accession of the genome build. See
; Source ID: database or institution that the MapSet/sequence originate


A common mistake, that is sometimes difficult to catch, is leaving un-escaped quotation marks in the middle of the description text. Please remember that multi-line string values should be always enclosed in quotation marks. If you have quotes in the middle of your text (such as HTML hyperlinks), the quotation marks should be escaped by back slash like \". (See the example above in the code). Otherwise, any quotation mark will be treated as a signal to start or to end the string, and this may cause parsing problems.

Placement in the map set tree

The map set is placed in the map set tree. This can be done by specifying ParentNodeId or RootNodeName

If you are going to reference an existing parent node in the map set tree, you will need to find its ID by running the command: 

PS> list mapsettree -l
Arabidopsis thaliana (NodeId:1)
  Physical:TAIR10 (NodeId:2, MapSetId:1)
Oryza sativa japonica (NodeId:3)
  Physical:MSU_osa1r7 (NodeId:4, MapSetId:2)
Oryza sativa indica (NodeId:5)
  Physical:ASM465v1 (NodeId:14, MapSetId:13)
Sorghum bicolor (NodeId:18)
  Physical:Sorghum v.3.1 (NodeId:20, MapSetId:17)
  Genetic:BTx623-IS320C (NodeId:21, MapSetId:18)

Use NodeId (=3) as ParentNodeId, and the newly created map set will be placed as a child of Oryza sativa japonica node:

; 1. Adding new MapSetTree node to a parent node
; Parent node ID: if specified, the MapSet with the new sequences will be placed under this parent node as a child.
; 2. Adding new MapSetTree node under a new root node
; RootNodeName: usually an organism name. Ignored if the root name already exists. A longer path consisting of more than one node can be specified here. The nodes will be created starting with the root node.
;RootNodeName="Plants/Glycine max"
; OrderNo: placement of map set under its parent node in the map set tree. If not specified, OrderNo will be automatically incremented for each new map set. 
; If you want to order all map sets under a parent node alphabetically, set OrderNo to a fixed value. All map sets will get the same value and will be sorted alphabetically by name.

Alternatively, you can specify the new position by using RootNodeName. This value can include more than one node starting with the root node. All missing nodes will be created. The leading slash is not required.

RootNodeName="Plants/Glycine (genus)/Glycine soja"

Position of the map set name listed under a parent node is controlled by OrderNo. By default, the new map set is assigned the next OrderNo. This guarantees that the map sets will be listed in the order they have been loaded. In case OrderNo values for several map sets are the same, they will be sorted alphabetically. If you prefer alphabetical sorting for all map sets under a given parent node, give them the same OrderNo, for example: 


Sequence processing

The diagram below should help to overview the logic in loading and separating the sequences. 

The genomic sequences first can be filtered by their length (LengthFilter), regular expressions on the entire header (ExcludedHeadersRegEx, IncludedHeadersRegEx), and map name (MapNameFilterRegEx). If the filters are set, only the sequences that pass the criteria would be analyzed further and loaded. 

The next step is to separate the sequences into chromosomes and other types of sequences. The distinction is done for the purpose of using the chromosome entries to represent genomes graphically, this is shown typically in the search results. This means that the chromosome names should be as short as possible, as many labels will be placed together in one picture.

Finally, we need to extract the Map Names, Accession Numbers and Chromosome Names from the FASTA header.

While the value of Map Name represents a friendly name shown to the end user, the Accession No can be used if the gene annotation in gff files references the maps using the accession. 


Persephone shows the list of maps for the selected map set following a certain logic. The chromosomes are shown first, on top of the list. They are ordered by name that may include digits, like Chr1, Chr2, Chr10. The rest of the sequences are listed after the chromosomes, and they are reversely sorted by their length. Please keep this in mind when deciding which sequences should be called chromosomes.
The chromosome names should be made as short as possible as they will be shown as labels in the graphical search results with multiple maps on screen. Having short labels (chromosome names) is important to avoid the clutter.

A simple case

In case the FASTA headers contain short identifiers like Chr.1, Chr.2, etc. (use the command analyze fasta to list the headers), the entire header can be stored as the Name, Accession and Chromosome name. This means that you do not need to split the header or to provide the regular expression to extract the names from it. 

If the FASTA file contains chromosomes only, our task is simple - we load all the entries, without filtering and selecting chromosomes. The entire [Sequence] section would look like this:

; Sources (required): FASTA file(s) of genomic DNA sequence located locally or remotely accessible via URL.
; Commit frequency: indicates how often the process commits sequence in bp.

You may need to use the logic nominating some maps as chromosomes, and this is usually done by giving a length threshold. In the example below, all sequences longer than 1,000,000 bp will be called chromosomes and will represent the genome in its "bird-eye" view.

; ChromosomeCriteriaLength - a formula to separate chromosomes from the rest of the sequences. It can be an alternative
; to ChoromosomeCriteriaRegEx
; For example, ChromosomeCriteriaLength=">5000000" will store sequences longer than 5,000,000 bp as chromosomes

A more complex case

When the FASTA sequence have complex headers, we will need to be more creative.

Suppose, we have a FASTA definition line like this:

>CM020876.1 Oryza sativa cultivar IR64 (IRRI) chromosome 1, whole genome shotgun sequence

We want the map name to be 1 and accession to be CM020876.1. To parse it out of the definition line, we first split the line by delimiter (Space) and then take the eighth value (0-based, index=7) for the map name. To get rid of the comma, we use the MapNameRegEx regular expression:

; Sources (required): FASTA file(s) of genomic DNA sequence located locally or remotely accessible via URL.
; Commit frequency: indicates how often the process commits sequence in bp.
; ExcludedHeadersRegEx: exclude sequences that match this regular expression
; IncludedHeadersRegEx: include only sequences that match this regular expression. Note, ExcludedHeadersRegEx, if specified, is applied first

; The FASTA header can be partitioned by splitting it by Delimiter or by applying regular expressions.
; Delimiter: specify one among Colon(:), Comma(,), Period(.), Hyphen(-), SemiColon(;), Slash(/), Tab(\t), Space( ) and VerticalBar(|)
; Comment this line out if the FASTA header will not be partitioned

; Map name index. Tells which field between the delimiters corresponds to the map name. 0-based. If delimiter is not used, MapNameIndex is ignored, 
; the entire FASTA header is saved as the map name.

; If the part between delimiters is too long to be stored as the map name, it can be parsed and the map name can be extracted by using this regular expression
; If MapNameIndex is not provided, MapNameRegEx is applied to the whole FASTA header
; ReplaceSpacesWith: Provide symbols that will be used to replace spaces in the map name. Some third-party tools are confused if the map name contains a space.

; Map accession index. Tells which part between delimiters corresponds to map accession. 0-based. If delimiter is not used, MapAccessionIndex is ignored, 
; the entire FASTA header is saved as the map accession.

; If the part between delimiters is too long to be stored as the map accession, it can be parsed and the map accession can be extracted by using this regular expression
; If MapAccessionIndex is not provided, MapAccessionRegEx is applied to the whole FASTA header
;MapAccessionRegEx=".*chromosome (..).*"
; Map description index
; MapDescriptionRegEx: regular expression to extract the map description from FASTA header or, if MapDescriptionIndex is provided,
; from the extracted field at that index
; Some sequences can be called chromosomes, some as scaffolds. Usually, the number of chromosomes is small and allows to show all of them as a representation of a genome
; ChromosomeCriteriaRegEx - if the fasta header matches the RegEx criteria, the entry will be called a chromosome
; ChromosomeCriteriaLength - a formula to separate chromosomes from the rest of the sequences. It can be an alternative
; to ChoromosomeCriteriaRegEx
; For example, ChromosomeCriteriaLength=">5000000" will store sequences longer than 5,000,000 bp as chromosomes
; In case the sequence passes the criteria to be called a chromosome, the chromosome name will be read from the field with this index:
; ChromosomeNameRegEx - a regular expression applied to the field with the given index to extract the chromosome name
; Expected length index: if specified, the expected length of each sequence will be compared to the actual sequence length.

; Length filter: used to include only sequences whose length satisfies the criteria. Use '>' or '<' to load sequences longer/shorter than the given number (e.g,"<1000000")
;                if not specified, all the sequences in the source will be included.

We use the same regular expression to extract the name of the chromosome.


In our case, we also load only long sequences (LengthFilter=">1000000"). Among those, the sequences longer than 5,000,000 will be called chromosomes (ChromosomeCriteriaLength=">5000000").

To nominate chromosomes you can also use the regular expressions - those that match the regex ChromosomeCriteriaRegEx will be stored as chromosomes.

Once the control file is ready, run PersephoneShell to test it first:

PS> add sequence -c pathToControlFile.ini -t

and, if all tests are successful, start the real loading:

PS> add sequence -c pathToControlFile.ini -v

After all the sequences have been loaded, it is time to add annotation or other tracks.

Advanced case

Sometimes, the input FASTA file contains a mixture of sequences with headers in different patterns. Imagine a file with these headers of two types:

>NC_041021.1 Glycine soja cultivar W05 chromosome 20, ASM419377v2, whole genome shotgun sequence
>NW_021143571.1 Glycine soja cultivar W05 unplaced genomic scaffold, ASM419377v2 Super-Scaffold_110, whole genome shotgun sequence

We need to extract the map name (highlighted) from both formats using the same instruction. 

To resolve this puzzle, let's use conditional regular expression, so that it will apply two different patterns for the two cases. First, we should stop using MapNameIndex, as we want to analyze the entire header. So, we have to comment it out. The logic of the map name extraction will be performed by the regular expression MapNameRegEx.

The regular expression can have two (or more) conditions and corresponding capture groups separated by a pipe (|) symbol. In case the first condition is true, the first group will work, otherwise, we will try the second condition, and, if it is successful, the second group will be used, and so on.

(?=^NC.+(chromosome \d+)|, ASM419377v2 ([-\w]+))

We can distinguish the cases by looking for 'NC' at the beginning of the header. This condition will be written as:


So, if the header meets the first condition, we will use the first capture group:

(chromosome \d+)

Otherwise, the second condition and the capture group will be engaged:

, ASM419377v2 ([-\w]+)

This technique allows loading the chromosome and scaffold sequences in one shot. Remember that using the regular expression ChromosomeCriteriaRegEx or a length criteria ChromosomeCriteriaLength will tell which sequences should be marked as chromosomes.

Another example

Just for the sake of an exercise, let's imagine that we have a set of FASTA headers with two groups:


NT_033777.3 Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 3R
NT_037436.4 Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 3L
NT_033778.4 Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 2R
NC_004354.4 Drosophila melanogaster chromosome X

and scaffolds:

NW_007931121.1 Drosophila melanogaster chromosome X; Y rDNA sequence
NW_007931076.1 Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 3CEN 3Cen_mapped_Scaffold_1_D1896_D1895 sequence
NW_007931108.1 Drosophila melanogaster chromosome Y Y_mapped_Scaffold_5_D1748_D1610 sequence

We want to extract the map names for the chromosome group and produce the regular expression that would capture "chromosome X" (highlighted) and not capture "chromosome X" from the group with the scaffolds. The distinguishing feature for these two cases is the end of line that follows the chromosome names in the first group. We will add the corresponding symbol $ at the end of the regular expression:

(chromosome .{1,2})$

Note also that we need to specify the number of characters (one or two) after "chromosome" to capture, otherwise, the regular expression chromosome .+$ would pull the entire text from "chromosome" till the end of the line.

One more example

Here is an example where we will need to 

  • filter the maps to be loaded excluding the entries that have 'Mitochondrion' in the header line
  • cut out map names by using a regular expression to extract a part of the text
  • cut out map accessions by first splitting the header at the 'TAB' symbol and using the first field (index=0)
  • cut out chromosome name using regular expression 
  • identify chromosomes.

PS> analyze fasta Panicum_miliaceum.genome.fasta.gz

     67,993,370  GWHAAEZ00000001.1      Chromosome 1    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr01  Len=67993370
     61,969,531  GWHAAEZ00000002.1      Chromosome 2    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr02  Len=61969531
     58,135,681  GWHAAEZ00000003.1      Chromosome 3    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr03  Len=58135681
     56,237,202  GWHAAEZ00000004.1      Chromosome 4    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr04  Len=56237202
     53,988,371  GWHAAEZ00000005.1      Chromosome 5    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr05  Len=53988371
     52,802,786  GWHAAEZ00000006.1      Chromosome 6    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr06  Len=52802786
     50,975,384  GWHAAEZ00000007.1      Chromosome 7    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr07  Len=50975384
     48,196,177  GWHAAEZ00000008.1      Chromosome 8    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr08  Len=48196177
     45,128,071  GWHAAEZ00000009.1      Chromosome 9    Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr09  Len=45128071
     44,839,679  GWHAAEZ00000010.1      Chromosome 10   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr10  Len=44839679
     42,762,355  GWHAAEZ00000011.1      Chromosome 11   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr11  Len=42762355
     42,140,413  GWHAAEZ00000012.1      Chromosome 12   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr12  Len=42140413
     40,727,217  GWHAAEZ00000013.1      Chromosome 13   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr13  Len=40727217
     38,257,208  GWHAAEZ00000014.1      Chromosome 14   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr14  Len=38257208
     34,254,202  GWHAAEZ00000015.1      Chromosome 15   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr15  Len=34254202
     33,582,435  GWHAAEZ00000016.1      Chromosome 16   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr16  Len=33582435
     33,245,457  GWHAAEZ00000017.1      Chromosome 17   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr17  Len=33245457
     31,992,649  GWHAAEZ00000018.1      Chromosome 18   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=Chr18  Len=31992649
         28,187  GWHAAEZ00000019.1      OriSeqID=contig_1       Len=28187
         11,092  GWHAAEZ00000020.1      OriSeqID=contig_2       Len=11092
          5,295  GWHAAEZ00000021.1      OriSeqID=contig_3       Len=5295
         17,333  GWHAAEZ00000022.1      OriSeqID=contig_4       Len=17333
         14,918  GWHAAEZ00000023.1      OriSeqID=contig_5       Len=14918
         12,203  GWHAAEZ00000024.1      OriSeqID=contig_6       Len=12203
          7,783  GWHAAEZ00000025.1      Mitochondrion   Complete=F      Circular=F      OriSeqID=contig_7       Len=7783
         26,803  GWHAAEZ00000026.1      OriSeqID=contig_8       Len=26803
          1,355  GWHAAEZ00000027.1      OriSeqID=contig_9       Len=1355
          8,447  GWHAAEZ00000028.1      OriSeqID=contig_10      Len=8447

For some reason, there are several maps marked "Mitochondrion". We will exclude them from loading by using this instruction:


We need to capture the map names like 'Chromosome 1' for the chromosomes and something like 'contig_1' for the other entries. To do that, we will use a composite regular expression:

MapNameRegEx=(?=(Chromosome \d+)|OriSeqID=(.+)\t)

Note that capture groups for the extracted text should be specified in the inner parenthesis: (Chromosome \d+) or (.+). If the first group fails, the next group is engaged, etc.

The accession number is the identifier at the beginning of the line. If we split the header by the 'TAB' character, we can use the first field (index=0) as the accession:


The chromosome names (not to be confused with map names for chromosomes) are short names that will appear in a graphical representation of a genome, that is why they should be as short as possible: many chromosomes are shown together. We will extract just the number 1 from the text 'Chromosome 1' by using the instructions:

ChromosomeNameRegEx=Chromosome (\d+)

First, we use the second field (index=1), then we extract the numeric characters that follow the word 'Chromosome'. To specify which maps will be nominated as chromosomes we will use the sequence length criteria:


The sequences longer than 20,000,000 bp will be called chromosomes.

Defining translation code

Some of the sequences in a map set can have a different translation code used to produce protein sequences from CDS. For example, the translation in chloroplasts uses the code 11. Specify this information in a separate section:

; List map names and their corresponding translation codes. Default code is 1. 
;Use wildcard '*' as a map name to assign the same code to all maps of the map set

Note that if the map name is set to the wildcard '*', all maps in the given map set will be assigned a common translation code.