Some properties of the map set can be modified by using edit mapset command. As with the other objects, the map set can be specified by MapSetId or by path that includes the text from the map set tree parent nodes. The MapSetId of each map set is printed out by command list mapset:

PS> list mapset
2: MSU_osa1r7                                               4: ASM465v1
10: GRCh38                                                  16: TAIR10
17: Sorghum v.3.1                                           18: BTx623-IS320C

In this listing, the highlighted value preceding the colon is the MapSetId.

To edit the map set specified by MapSetId run:

PS> edit mapset 16
Name? TAIR10
Accession? TAIR10
Description? Arabidopsis thaliana TAIR10 from
quality ([0-4] or empty)? 4
Do you want to edit the mapset? (Y/N) Y
MapSet:16 has been successfully modified.

The map set can be specified by its full path in the map set tree. To save some typing, you can always use the auto-complete feature on the command line activated with the TAB key. The path should lead to the map set tree node:

PS> edit mapset "Arabidopsis thaliana/TAIR10"

Please look at quality property of the map set:

quality ([0-4] or empty)? 4

If set to a number between 0 and 4, the quality value will be shown in Persephone as a 'signal bars' icon, reflecting the quality of the map set. If you want to show that a map set is in its early stage of sequencing, give it the lowest quality of 0. Mature genomes usually have the quality of 4.

The quality value can be erased by entering an empty string. In this case the 'signal bars' icon will be hidden.

Edit multi-line description

The initial description is usually provided as a part of the INI file for loading a new map set. The description can contain multiple lines of text. If needed, it can later be modified by the command edit mapset. In case of a simple one-line description, the editing can be done in PersephoneShell by modifying the text displayed in one line. For complex cases, the multi-line text can be pasted from the clipboard. You can copy the existing text of the description to the clipboard from the screen, edit it in an external editor, and paste it back to PersephoneShell:

PS> edit mapset "Oryza sativa indica/ASM465v1"
Name? ASM465v1
Accession? ASM465v1
OrganismId? 39946
Oryza sativa indica. Cultivar 93-11. 
The genome assembly represented here corresponds to <a href="">GCA_000004655.2</a> masked genomic DNA. 

Just hit ESC to keep the old value
Ctrl-P - to turn the multi-line clipboard pasting mode ON
Paste the new value from the clipboard and hit Ctrl-D at the end
ESC - cancel
Oryza sativa indica. Cultivar 93-11.
The genome assembly represented here corresponds to <a href="">GCA_000004655.2</a> masked genomic DNA.

New Description:
Oryza sativa indica. Cultivar 93-11.
The genome assembly represented here corresponds to <a href="">GCA_000004655.2</a> masked genomic DNA.
Interspersed repeats and low complexity regions are detected with the RepeatMasker tool and masked by replacing repeats with 'N's.
The sequences were downloaded from

Upon pasting the text, just hit Ctrl-D to finish the entry.


The description can contain HTML tags, such as <i>, <b> or <a>. When providing the hyper-links by pasting the text, you can use the quotation marks as they are, verbatim (see the example above). This is different from the format of the hyperlinks in the INI files: the multi-line values should be given in double quotes, so the quotation marks which are required by the <a> tag should be escaped by the backslash:
Click this <a href=\"http://link\"> URL label </a>