To export a list of features by name, select Tools | Export features by name from the main toolbar:

Enter the names of desired features, such as names of annotations, markers, or maps, into the box on the left-hand side; one feature name per line. Alternatively, click the button to upload the list of features from a text file. For example, you could enter the following names:


Then, check the checkox for each item type you wish to search for: 

  • Annotations: find annotations by exact name (that is, for the annotation to be included, its exact name must occur on the list).
  • Markers: find all markers by exact name (including non-primary names).
  • Maps: find all maps by exact name.

Click the Search button to perform the search:


The tabs across the top of the dialog show all the item types that matched the search, along with the count of items that were found within each item type. In this example, 12 annotations matched one of the names on the list, along with 3 markers and 31 maps. In addition, one of the names on the list was not found at all:

You can optionally use the Map set selector to restrict your search to a few specific map sets (by default, all map sets are included):

Since only the four map sets for Homo sapiens are selected, names of markers, annotations, and maps that occur only in other map sets are not found: